Lumbar Rolls for Back Pain

My favorite part of my job as a Chiropractor is the opportunity I get to help my patients live as their best selves. My goal is not only to make my patients feel heard and valued within their care, but also to equip them with the tools and education they need to facilitate their own healing outside the four walls of my practice. Preventative care is my favorite type of care. 

Did you know that majority of people who’ve experienced at least one episode of back pain will go on to have recurring or chronic issues with back pain? For some, these problems might even become lifelong. Most people’s back pain starts without warning and for no obvious reason, which is why self-management is key to pain prevention. I consistently see that my patients who play an active role in their own care tend to experience more effective outcomes in both their acute care and long-term management. 

Lumbar rolls are one of my favorite tools as a first line of care when dealing with and avoiding back pain. A lumbar roll provides patients with the opportunity to manage and prevent back pain on their own. Compare having an injured back to having a cut on your knuckle, repetitive bending of your injured finger would continuously open up the wound and delay healing. If we think about this in the context of your lower back, the muscle tissue of your back can be acutely or cumulatively overstretched due to poor posture. The way that the lumbar roll mitigates overstretch and stress placed on the spine and surrounding tissue by promoting correct spinal curvature and tissue length while you sit creates an optimal healing environment in the occurrence of injury. 

In my practice nothing brings me more joy than seeing my patients recover faster when chiropractic adjustments are used in combination with lifestyle changes, like regular use of a lumbar roll.

Sharing is caring, when you purchase your lumbar roll using my link I get a small commission -- which is like, the BEST, because then I can continue to share free resources and education with you.


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